Cosmetic And Reconstructive Surgery

Bloating Means Abdominal Distention Ayurveda Says It Is Linked To A Nervous Stomach

By Helen Thomas

Abdominal bloating, when the abdomen distends and there may be intestinal or abdominal gas, is the cardinal sign of dysfunction of the agni, the digestive fire, and is usually caused by a vata imbalance. In Ayurveda we describe it as the first sign of an imbalance in the “gastrointestinal consciousness.” Bloating occurs when the gastrointestinal tract is unable to split food into the smallest particles and release the nourishing enzymes into the system. Also see Indigestion. Follow the appropriate Daily Lifestyle Regimen for your dosha, paying particular attention to your diet and eating

Rocking and Rolling: Sit on the floor and pull both legs up to your chest; interlock your hands over your knees. Roll your body backward and forward, ten times in each direction, keeping your elbows close to your legs.

Eat a light diet of primarily vegetables and rice, or kicharee; the Ten-Day Ginger Treatment recommended. There are several yoga movements that release wind and gases from the body, including toe bending, ankle bending, ankle rotation, hand clenching, wrist bending, leg rotations, and the posture known as Rocking and Rolling.



Triphala treats the entire digestive tract. Take 1/2 teaspoon triphala mixed with 1/2 cup warm water every evening at bedtime. buy Hingwastak Tablets Banyan Botanicals Take two before each meal until feel bloating relieved.


Taste: Emphasize sweet, sour, bitter, and salty foods, spices, and herbs. Consuming the winter churna with a little salt and lemon flakes is an easy way to get all these tastes in the appropriate proportions.

Smell: Use warm, sweet, and sour essential-oil aromas, such as rose, cloves, cinnamon, basil, and orange.

Sight: Green and blue are recommended to relieve bloating.

Hearing: Listen to the midmorning classical music.

Touch: rub the belly clockwise with warm vata oil. Five minutes daily. This is not in place of medical advice. This is ayurveda approach only. also, for severe bloating get Hingvastak powder, Take a tablespoon and mix with warm water and make medium thick paste and apply to stomach for thirty minutes then wash off. This has given my worse patients relief.

Copyright Dr.Helen Thomas 2007. All rights reserved.

About the Author: Get Free Copy of My A=Z Guide For Ayurveda

Hi I am a practicing Chiropractor for the last 25 years. Ayurveda came into my life in 1984. I have studied with the best in the nation and the best in India. It is a practice that takes a lifetime to become a master.


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