Cabinet Minister resigns after boycott in Grenada

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Grenadian cabinet Minister has resigned after he boycotted his own swearing-in ceremony. Michael Church handed his resignation to Tillman Thomas, the Prime Minister of Grenada yesterday. Church boycotted the ceremony after he was demoted from Minister of Labour, Social Security and Ecclesiastical Affairs. He was then given the post of Junior Minister in the Ministry of Works, Physical Development and Public Utilities.

Church was demoted after he made a visit to Italy with a former trade advisor without the government’s consent. He then boycotted the ceremony along with two other ministers. Peter David and Glynnis Roberts also had their posts changed in the cabinet reshuffle. They have since accepted their new posts.

Prime Minister Tillman issued a statement on Church’s decision to leave the cabinet. He said “It is always a traumatic experience for a government to lose one of its members, especially at a time when all hands are needed in the rebuilding of our nation.”

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