Online Bohemian Fashion

The Best Defense For Your Database


Here’s news that might disturb a small business owner’s sleep. A report by CNBC shows millions of small businesses with inadequate data security are at higher risk for hacking than larger enterprises. Why? Hackers know that smaller companies don’t have the best security, leaving exploits open that allow them to insert malware, strip-mine vital personal and financial data, and even hold whole networks for ransom. With all the little fish, who needs the aggravation of taking out a giant like Equifax?

Covering Your Risks

Unfortunately, the aftermath of a hack is not usually a covered risk on most business insurance policies. As these breaches take place with increasing frequency Bloomberg reports that businesses are seeking coverage with “hacking insurance” policies. The growing popularity of these policies is a sign that hacking and security issues are not going away, but instead will be exploited by an ever-increasing army of hackers out for gain.

The Dedicated Server Advantage

Moving operations to an SQL database dedicated to your data only is one way to minimize risks associated with shared hosting. When you work with an experienced, dedicated hosting provider like Planet Hosting, you’ll have all the benefits of your private server without the expense and maintenance costs. It’s a proactive step that can save you the loss of customer and client trust. An SQL database dedicated to your needs can host websites, maintain databases, and keep communications such as video conferences and collaborations secure. Don’t wait for a hack, or for that hacker insurance policy to kick in. By the time a hack has happened, that data has been exposed, and you, your company, and your clients are vulnerable. The loss of trust could take years to rebuild. Work with professionals on a solution before you need one – look into dedicated SQL hosting today.