Outsourcing Company

What Started As A Drip Is Now A Torrent…..

Several weeks ago we noticed a slight increase of CVs from executives wanting to become interim managers. Today, that number has multiplied several times over as senior executives exit the permanent workplace as a result of redundancy or re-organisation programmes and then decide to enter the interim market place.On one hand this is good for company’s such as ourselves as it refreshes the ‘interim gene pool’ however we know from past experience that it also brings about a few issues particularly as some of this new talent tend to use interim management as a stop gap back to the permanent work place. At Aster, our rigorous selection process will weed out most of these ‘part-time’ interim managers but I think more worryingly the trend reflects the general turn down in the economy.Because everyone fully expects the interim management market to remain buoyant it is at times like these that interim management providers get swamped with applications from candidates for professional interim vacancies.