Plastic Surgery

Hair Loss Treatments: Pills Vs Hair Transplant Surgery

By Michael Pavlos

For years, the battle against hair loss had never ceased. More and more products are introduced in the market with the promise of restoring your once glorious locks. Advancement in the methods of hair transplantation has also improved thus solving the hair loss misery of both men and women. These two are the most common and widely used treatment of hair loss. How do they actually work and which is more effective?

Everything about Hair Loss Pills

These pills are often FDA approved for safe use. The mechanism of action of these pills usually focuses in preventing the formation of DHT or the hormones which shrinks the follicles which in turn becomes the reason why new growth of hair is impossible. Since an increase in the number of DHT in the body results in the thinning and balding of the scalp, thus the need to stop their production and release; hair loss pills inhibit DHT which makes them effective in treating hair loss.

The main concern about hair loss pills is mostly concerning with its undesirable effects in the body. However, most of these pills are proven to contain only natural products thus the reason why they gained approval from FDA. The only danger it pose however is when a person is allergic to any of the ingredients used in that certain hair loss drug.


One of the major downside of taking hair loss pills is that it usually takes weeks to months before significant results can be seen. They do not deliver instant results and sometimes your body does not respond to the said pill making it ineffective. If such thing happens, you need to go through the trouble of hunting another brand of hair loss pill which will hopefully suit and work for you.

How about hair transplantation?

Since we are living in the modern world, the methods involved in hair transplantation surgery have shown significant improvement and more satisfied patients can attest to that each year. Surgical techniques have been developed to minimize the most common fear of patients who undergoes the said surgery, and that is the occurrence of unwanted set of side effects and complications. Today however, the risks of bleeding and infection are very minimal because of the modern way of performing the said surgical operation. In fact, even scars which are the evidence of the procedure can be avoided or easily concealed due to the advanced surgical methods.

With hair transplantation, one of the factors that could prevent you from getting one is your finances. Let’s face it, this procedures is more expensive compared to hair loss pills. Because of this, it is highly recommended that you’ll evaluate your finances before deciding to get one.

However, if you are one of those people who wish to avail a hair transplant surgery but can’t afford it, try asking the local cosmetic clinic near you.

If you are around Sydney Australia, the Australian Institute of Hair Restoration offers easy-to-pay financial options which you could avail anytime. Simply give them a call and their friendly staff will guide you through the process.

Life is made easier with these two methods of combating hair loss. People no longer have to wait for a miracle to grow back their hair. Instead, they have the options to choose from and see which one will work best and will it be effective for them. As they say, to each his own.

About the Author: If you wish to regain your hair through

hair transplants

but can’t seem to afford it, try contacting clinics such as the

Australian Institute of Hair Restoration

in Sydney, Australia. This clinic offers easy-to-pay financial schemes without sacrificing the quality of their service.


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