Mining And Drilling

How To Make Fundraising More Unique?

How to Make Fundraising More Unique?


Barry Franston

Supporting a cause can be quite challenging and requires a lot of resourcefulness when seeking funding. It is not always enough to be an excellent grant writer or have one on your team. Instead it also requires consistent fundraising that keeps your cause in the public s consciousness, continually raising awareness while acquiring resources to aid and support your cause. How do you do this with all the various organizations competing for funding? You have to have original and unique charity fundraising ideas to get the public interested in your cause.

For a more refined audience that is interested in supporting a great cause and doing so at a more elegant event filled with interesting art and interesting people, an art event may be the perfect fundraising idea. The exhibit can consist of a variety of things, from paintings, sculptures, multimedia exhibits and collectibles. The artists being exhibited can be famous artists who support your cause, clients within the cause, e.g., sick children, breast cancer patients, etc., or even donors who are artists. People can bid on artwork or simply buy it. Also, artists can be charged to exhibit their work.


For a more festive atmosphere, try a food truck festival. Simply get local food trucks together to provide food and drinks in an open area. People can come and hang out with the whole family, buy and eat some great food all while supporting a cause. The food proceeds can go to the cause and the food trucks. It is a great way for the trucks to gain exposure to new audiences, compete with each other and simply help raise awareness. It is a great charity fundraising idea that can involve contests, music, prizes along with delicious food and drinks.

In order to engage in something a little more far reaching, host an online photo contest. There are several ways this can be done. Photos can be submitted by artists or the public. People can then pay to vote on which photos they like the best. Votes can be for large or small sums, and you can even allow supporters to buy more votes with more donations. Another option is to have a sponsor pay for each share a photo receives online. This will encourage users to share the photos, thus raising awareness for the cause and increasing brand recognition.

The method by which fundraising is conducted are only bound by your creativity. People are always looking for new and exciting things to do and love supporting a good cause. Engaging them can be challenging, but if you simply think outside the box and apply some creativity, your fundraising will not only reap results, but it will be fun for everyone. Great charity fundraising ideas can be applied to many of the new inventions and cultural trends rising up every day, we have to simply take notice and apply them to supporting a good cause.

For more information on general fundraising including

engaging friends and family

and other ideas, visit


who can offer help in the field.

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