
The American Dentist}

Submitted by: Sophie Arant

Dentist Services and Dental Health have come a long way in America in the last three hundred years. Believe it or not, it used to be that Americans were known for the worst dental health. This was back in the sixteen and seventeen hundreds when the dentist profession didn’t exist. The general public didn’t have dental health care or dental hygiene, plus a horrible diet, and not dentist professionals to help or educate the population about dental health care and dental hygiene. With all of this, the average person in America in the sixteen and seventeen hundred had lost at least half of the their teeth before the age of twenty. And most of those people actually had more than half of their teeth missing at age twenty! Try swallowing that with the dentist and dental hygiene knowledge we have now! Contrast that to today’s America where a dentist is available in every town across the United States. And most towns have more than one dentist to choose from along with specialized dentist offices who focus on dental surgery and cosmetic dentistry and the education of patients in dental and oral health and hygiene, not to mention dental insurance and other dental support and health services…

All of what we have today in our dental health and dentist professional education available is due to developments that came through the years. Three or four hundred years ago at the roots of America the traveling dentist was common. This was a dentist who was known as a traveling teeth extractor. Without the dental tools and such that we have today that was the dental solution to dental problems, have the “dentist” pull the teeth. Ouch!


There was a French dentist who wrote and published a book about the work of a dentist. He explained the dental tools that could and should be used and educated others about the teeth and oral care. Later there was the first dental school set up in Baltimore in America. From there a dentist could be trained professionally in the human anatomy of teeth and oral surgery and dental care and health.

With the discovery of general and local anesthetics in the eighteen hundreds, a dentist could do much more in his profession of caring for the teeth and fixing oral problems. Dentist services improved as tools became more available and refined. When the small dental drill that worked faster was invented this made the work of a dentist less painful on the dental patient. With medicine and tools dental surgery could be performed more quickly and accurately by a dentist.

The profession of a dentist developed even more with the invention of plastics. The dentist profession today continues to change and improve with technology and improved health services. Dental school is on-going for a dentist, even after a dentist has a dental license to practice dentistry professionally, the American Dental Association requires continued education so that every dentist will stay up to date with new technology and stay fresh on their dental school training and knowledge. Thankfully for groups like the American Dental Association everyone can receive a similar services or standard dental care from a qualified dentist anywhere you go in America.

About the Author: Edgardo Trembinski and Mr. Veil Are mentors who are able to give the type of help only a Dr. Lindsey has been able to provide in the past. To so my dear Mother I also say thanks. With the discovery of general and local anesthetics in the eighteen hundreds, a dentist could do much more in his profession of caring for the teeth and fixing oral problems. Dentist services…. Learn more at



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