Cosmetic And Reconstructive Surgery

The Right Skin Care Cream Provides Shiny And Healthy Skin

It is importantthat you maintain a healthy regime of facial care to ensure that your face notonly looks clean, but is also healthy and shining. However before you decide onthe right skincare cream treatment for your skin, you have to find out whattype of skin you have.

You may have oily,normal, dry, sensitive or skin that has suffered damage from the sun and heat.The amount of stress you have, the diet you follow, medication you take and thehistory of skin your family has to decide on the best skincare care regime tochoose for yourself.

Facial careconsists of cleaning, exfoliating and moisturising

Cleaning your skinis easy and is done with a cleanser that provides results, without irritatingyour skin. Try different cleansers to decide on the best for your skin;especially mild ones. Avoid bar soaps for cleaning your skin as it damages skinlayers; it should be used only from your neck to your toes.

Exfoliation is animportant part of your skin care regime

Exfoliation is aprocess where the top layer of the skin is removed so that the dead skin cellsfound here are eliminated. This is an important part of any facial care programas this is how you get rid of dead skin cells found on your face.

With these deadskin cells eliminated from the top layers of your face, you find that your facelooks younger in its appearance. This exfoliation can be done at home with thehelp of a microderm abrasion kit which you have to use a minimum of once aweek.

It is importantthat you dont exfoliate more than once a week for if you do, it will only makeyour skin peel off. Make sure that the brush you use for exfoliation is onethat has fine and soft bristles. This is to ensure that your face does not getirritated during this part of your facial care regime.

Use of skincarecream helps hydrate your skin

The harsh sunlight,stress, wrong diet and makeup all lead to the loss of skin oils. This is whyyou have to include hydration of your skin in your facial skin care regime.This is done with the help of a moisturiser, which is found aplenty in the skincare market.

Without anymoisturiser, the skin looks dry and dull. So you have to use a skincare creamor moisturiser to provide your skin the moisture it seeks. This moisturiser hasto be applied immediately after showering for best effects.

However when usingmoisturisers in facial care, it has to be applied in small amounts as too muchof such lotions and creams will only lead to the clogging of pores. Theseclogged pores dont provide your skin with the air it needs.

Thus, in yourventure to find the best facial care routine for yourself, it would be betterto first get the help of a skin care professional for information on the bestskin care products for your skin. Following this information for the right facialcare regime plus a good diet and sufficient rest, you will be able to haveshining and healthy skin that becomes the envy of others.