Facial Plastic Surgery

Brow Lift Or Botox: Which Is Right For Me?

Submitted by: Abigail Aaronson

Your eyes are the most expressive feature on your face, which also means that the brow area has the potential to age quickly beyond your years. Although you may feel energetic on the inside, fine lines and deep wrinkles can make your face appear tired and weary.

There are many facial rejuvenation procedures available, but brow lifts and Botox are two cosmetic procedures that combat the effects of ageing, restoring your former youthful looks.

A brow lift also referred to as a forehead lift, can revive a tired face. Brow lifts take care of a number of common age-related complaints. Not only can it perk up your eyes by tightening any hooding on the lid, but it lifts the eyebrows, creating a youthful arch.


Forehead lifts also smooth out deep furrows in the forehead and the pinched lines that can develop between the eyes. The benefit to choosing a brow lift is that the procedure addresses a variety of problems that occur in the same facial region.

During the procedure, incisions will be made along the hairline so that any scarring can be easily camouflaged. If eyelids need to be corrected, additional incisions will be made within the crease. The skin on the forehead is pulled smooth and tight while the excess is cut away. A technique gaining popularity is the use of an endoscopy, which is a small camera that is inserted into the skin, allowing the surgeon to operate using smaller incisions.

Recovery from a forehead lift varies by individual, but you should expect to be out of work for two weeks and have some tightness for up to a month afterwards. Risks include nerve damage, temporary or permanent numbness, and hair follicle damage.

The results will be noticeable immediately after surgery and can last many years. Another benefit of this procedure is that it slows down the ageing process of the brow area, so you’ll look younger for longer.

For those looking for a less intense and invasive method of facial rejuvenation, Botox can correct similar age-related problems for a fraction of the cost. Botox is an injectable that temporarily paralyzes facial muscles. Once the muscle is paralyzed, the face no longer creates the unwanted wrinkle or line, making the face look younger and refreshed.

Botox can be used on several areas of the face including the forehead wrinkles, fine lines near the eyes and nasiolabial folds. The results are temporary, lasting up to six months. Botox involves no anesthesia, which makes it much safer than traditional plastic surgery procedures, but there are still some risks involved, including bleeding, excessive bruising, and eyelid droop from over-injection.

Fortunately, since the effects of Botox are temporary, even over-injection will eventually resolve itself. The recovery period is short. One can expect to return to work the following day with minor if any redness or bruising. There is usually little pain involved.

A board-certified plastic surgeon can help you decide on which facial rejuvenation technique, whether Botox or a brow lift, will provide you with the optimal results for your individual situation.

About the Author: Do you want to perk up your face for a special occasion? A refreshed, youthful look can be yours when you opt for treatments with Botox. San Antonio cosmetic surgeon offers non-surgical lifts and other cosmetic procedures at




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