
Things Not To Put In Your Garbage Disposal

By Mark Thomas Walters

It may be a garbage disposal, but there are some things, however much you know that they are garbage, which you should not put down one. When the kitchen floor is flooded, plumbing has gone bust, and the home insurance man comes around, if you have put any of the following in it then he may well refuse to pay out on the basis that it was your fault.

Paper – Once this gets wet then it clings to the inside machinery and clogs it up.

Plastic – Quite simply, this is too tough for a garbage disposal to be able to process.

Poop – Dog poop seems pretty obvious not to put down the disposal. You would think that baby diapers would fall in the same category, but they clog thousands of disposals a year.

Coffee Grounds – A little at a time you might get away with but not a whole basket full.

Fruit Seeds – Do not put fruit pits in there as they will not go anywhere.


Shrimp Shells – They create a bad smell and do not easy turn into pulp.

Rice & Noodles – The high starch content causes a bad reaction with the other items put in with them.

Bones – What do you think is going to happen to that bone once its in the garbage disposal?

Eggshells – Bad, they only clog your disposal system as they are not easily turned into pulp.

Grease – It will stick to, and build up on the disposal tube.

Stringy Vegetables – These do not do well in the garbage disposal because they become balls that clog the entire system up.

You must be wondering – so what can I put in there? Your plate scraps are fine, as are small bits of meat and chopped up veggies (but remember to avoid the stems). Apply some common sense and follow the golden rule p “If in doubt, keep it out”.

Now you are aware of what items to keep out of your garbage disposal, here are some additional tips to keep your garbage disposal in top condition…

– Whenever it is on, make sure the water is running too.

– Throw some ice in there – it will freeze anything that may be stuck and knock it out.

– Throw some lime or lemon juice down there every so often to keep it smelling fresh.

Doing all of the above will ensure that your garbage disposal stays in good working order for as long as possible. Repairs are expensive so, to avoid an awkward conversation with an impossible home insurance man, make sure that you take care of your garbage disposal.

Remember to make it clear to your children, if you have any, too, as they will not think twice about using it in just the same way that they use trash can. Maybe consider writing copying the above list of items and sticking next to your garbage disposal to give them, and you, a helpful reminder.

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